Your host

Bryn Dickerson


Firstly, thanks for taking the time to have a look at my website, I’m stoked to have you here! Take your time to browse around, no doubt you will find a course that will suit you and we can get out on the trails in the near future!

So, about me…

I’m a 32 year old Professional mountain bike racer. I have spent the last 10 winters travelling around the world racing the World Cup Series and other International races. I am a former Continental Champion and top 20 World Cup racer.

As a racer on the World Cup scene you must have a highly tuned eye for the details in a track and understand how to use this to your advantage to ride it in the most efficient way possible to get the fastest time.

Being in an environment like this has really pushed my technical analysis of the other racers, the tracks and myself to develop techniques that enable me to ride faster and with more confidence. It’s fair to say that if there was ever an environment for picking out the best techniques then this is the place to do it and I have certainly taken it to heart and mind!

Aside from the technical aspects of riding, I’m a super laid back guy who loves a laugh and takes huge pride in helping others to progress their riding. I’m a calm and patient character with a wealth of knowledge on how to get you and your bike down the hill in the best way possible.

I’ve spent a lot of time over my seasons in Europe and here at home helping other riders with their technical riding and am proud of my ability to communicate clearly and purposefully.

Thanks again for stopping by and I look forward to hearing from you soon!